It is with the sincerest gratitude that we are announcing the retirement of Rick Clifton at the end of this year.
Rick has been with ATEC since November 2006 when he joined as one of the founding members. Over the years, his tremendous contributions in sales and marketing have helped build ATEC to where it is today and has positioned the company for future growth. Without question, Rick has been integral to the success of ATEC during his time with the company.
Thank you, Rick, for everything that you have done for ATEC! We sincerely wish you all the best in your retirement!
Jeff Heck
President and General Manager
On a personal note: the photo below from 1967 (I believe) is of Rick and I on our first baseball team together, which was coached by both of our fathers. Rick’s father, Eddie “Bud” Clifton is in the back center of the photo and my father, Don Heck, is back right with the white tee shirt. You’ll have to guess which child is Rick and which one is me!

For 55 years Rick and I have fussed and fought, laughed and cried, loved and lost. We worked together off and on at several companies over the years prior to ATEC, and it is only fitting that we have spent the last 15 years together at what will be both of our final job’s. He is the older brother I never had, the longest and most enduring friendship of my life, and very influential in my current career choice, which I will never forgive him for!
Hit them straight, love you!
One Response
Rick – I wish you nothing but the best in your retirement and whatever your future may hold. It was always a pleasure interacting with you over the years.